WE Engineering for tomorrow

WE works with a large number of employees and clients on a wide range of interesting, high impact projects. We are always looking for passionate, enthusiastic and knowledgeable people to help us realise these projects.

WE works on the basis of the WE-Protocol. Professional behaviour is key. In the organisation, we work:

  • Professionally and expertly, we stick to our agreements
  • In a profitable way for the client and WE
  • According to the latest technology
  • Customer-focused
  • Systematic with integrated project and designer consultations
  • On the solution of the client’s problems

We therefore expect the following from employees and colleagues:

  • Professional behaviour
  • The main focus is on solving the problem
  • Technical insight and the necessary qualifications
  • Open and respectful internal and external communication
  • Communication based on dialogue, not on discussion
  • Perseverance and a solution-oriented approach
  • Knowledge regarding own limitations